Chapter 26: What Should We Do?

WITH ALL THE information we have about our responsibility at this time

in history, what would be some reasonable goals or next steps?


1) We should continue to proclaim the truth, but we must remember that no

matter how compelling we make our message, some people simply won’t

want to hear it. It’s their choice. God gave them free will and wants them to

use it. He allows everyone to choose, and so should we.


2) We need to become more biblically literate concerning our past and future so

we can understand where we are today and what we should be doing. This

is one of the most important roles of the local church and its pastors and

teachers. If we don’t communicate past revelation and future prophecy, we

will stay busy doing a variety of worthless and unproductive things.


3) Staying alert was a theme in Jesus’ teachings. Scripture warns us how easy it

is to become distracted from the spiritual dimension of life.


4) We will be rewarded for our service. Faithfully serving God for unseen

future rewards is an act of faith. Teaching about rewards will provide a

source of encouragement among believers.


5) False teachings and philosophies will continue to mislead people. We can’t

stop this from happening, but we can identify false teachings and speak out

against them. We can always turn on a light in a dark room.


6) Do not forget that we are in the midst of a spiritual awakening. The darkness

in our country became so dark that many people decided they liked the light

better. Americans have had enough crime, immorality, and corruption. They

are finally seeking some kind of standard that will produce better things in

their lives.


7) Our nation is faced with problems that we can’t solve by ourselves. God

designed it that way. This is why the fourth generation must turn to him and

let him lead us out of the disaster we face. Then we will see:

a. good leadership in churches, government, business, and education

b. favorable weather patterns

c. production of natural resources

d. good international relationships

e. reversal of self-destructive cultural behaviors including alcoholism,

drug abuse, pornography, etc

f. compassion for people in our society


8) Church leadership needs to love people again. They can best do this by

empowering them with the truth of God’s word. Our culture will only

change when individual people change.


9) We are in the fourth generation and are experiencing the beginning of the

fourth cycle of judgment. These judgments are designed by God to bring

people to a point of decision. Do you love God and his ways, or do you hate

God and reject his standards? This is a decision we must all make.


10) The standards God has set for our nation here on earth are not the same

standards he has set for the kingdom of God. Jesus told Nicodemus, “No

one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” ( John 3:3). Being

born again is a requirement for enterance into God’s kingdom not our

earthly kingdom. Salvation is not a prerequisite to the success of a nation

today. For a nation to prosper on earth requires only these few things

identified in Amos 6:8 and Isaiah 56:1:


“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord

require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with

your God.”


“Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand

and my righteousness will soon be revealed.”


11) We must remember the lesson of the “sin of Jeroboam.” By the second,

third, and fourth generations, people find it hard to identify the sin of the

first generation. The sin of our great-grandfathers was secular humanism.

They ushered in an idolatrous philosophy based on the assumption that

there is no God and that man is the ultimate end of everything. This sin

has not only infested our culture in the areas of government and education,

but it has polluted the thinking of our churches as well. We must correct

our own “sin of Jeroboam” which begins with identifying the fallacy of

secular humanism.


12) Families must be restored. The hearts of the fathers must turn to their

children and children to their fathers. This is the foundation of not just the

Christian culture, but all culture. A society can’t endure without fathers and

families. Malachi 4:6 says, “He (Elijah) will turn the hearts of the fathers to

their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I (the

Lord) will come and strike the land with a curse.” The institutions that God

set in place must be strengthened and maintained. Those institutions are:

individual volition, marriage, family, government, and nationalism. Together

they provide structure for the natural world. On the other hand, the two

institutions God has used and is using to provide for man’s spiritual wellbeing

are: the nation of Israel (the past) and the church (the present).


13) The fourth generation always receives warnings through prophets and

natural signs. If a society doesn’t respond to these warnings, God pours out

his wrath and judgment. There is no escaping his discipline.


14) The church’s mission is to represent the spiritual kingdom of God to

mankind at this point in history. This mission advances only when the seed

of scripture is sown. The word of God in the heart of man combined with

the Spirit of God in a believer is the most powerful force on earth today.


15) The true church is not a “holier than thou” separatist organization. From

the very beginning, Jesus told his disciples that the church is made of

common people who’ve come from pagan societies to build a spiritual body

where the gates of Hades had previously stood. In the Old Covenant, if the

holy was touched by the unholy, the holy thing became unclean. In this age

of the New Covenant, the holy has been sent into the world of the unholy.


16) The church was derailed 1600 years ago when “clergy” were deemed

specially anointed people,” holier than the average person. For centuries,

believers have brought money to churches, providing a payroll for clergy

and missionaries. Our churches will only see revival when lay people realize

they have the same anointing as clergy and missionaries.


17) The end of the 1700s and the beginning of the 1800s was a time in

American history that closely resembles today—drunkenness, crime,

profanity, extreme skepticism, and universities that openly mock

Christianity. The Chief Justice said the church “was too far

gone ever to be redeemed.” Voltaire said, “Christianity will

be forgotten in thirty years.” But the thirty years following

his statement saw the greatest spiritual awakening America has

ever experienced. The results of that awakening are still part of

our culture today. Revival can happen again.



18) Revival must take place at two levels.

a. The natural level: our culture must become just, humble,

and moral. Institutions must be restored.

b. The spiritual level: the church must learn the word of God and let the

Holy Spirit empower them.


Believers should encourage the natural virtues God requires of both Christians

and non-Christians alike. The United States is fighting for its survival in this fourth

generation. We have the hope of a coming kingdom as we pray, “Come Lord Jesus!”

But we also have the responsibility to serve our earthly kingdom now so that we

might hear the Lord say to us: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

May God find reason to bless the United States of America!